Let’s talk about breast implant shape.
Along your breast augmentation surgery research, you’ll come to quite a few forks in the road and one of those is breast implant shape. When it comes to shape your options are:
- Round breast implants
- Anatomical/teardrop breast implants
Implant shape refers to–you guessed it–the shape of your breast implant.
Round implants are a smooth, dome shape while anatomical implants, also known as teardrop-shaped implants, mimic the natural breast shape and slope.
Typically round implants will be smooth (though they can also be textured) and teardrop implants are textured.

Truth be told, the vast majority (if not all) of cosmetic breast augmentation patients choose round implants so don't stress too much over your shape.
Your plastic surgeon will talk to you about what is best for you (again, probably round) during your consultation, but it’s important to know the basics of both so you aren’t caught off guard with a vocabulary pop quiz.
So let’s get to studying implant shape.
The world is round and so are many breast implants.
Round breast implants are a popular choice for most women having breast augmentation for cosmetic reasons.
Mainly because round implants provide a little more upper pole fullness by adding volume to the top of the breast.
Smooth, round implants are designed to rotate in the scar tissue pocket. They tend to have the most success and lower risk of capsular contracture when placed under the muscle, also known as submuscular implant placement.
An implant rotating isn't something you're going to notice in your day-to-day, much like we don't notice the earth spinning.
But if you want some reassurance hop in the Bustmob Community and get the answer from over 51,000 women who know firsthand.
Capsular contracture, wait what?
It’s true, all great things come with a risk and when it comes to breast procedures, capsular contracture is, if not a low one, a risk (on average about 1% at Amelia Aesthetics).
Capsular contracture is when the scar tissue around the breast implant tightly squeezes the breast implant.
Capsular contracture can develop anytime in your breast implant life after 6-12 weeks.
It can be uncomfortable and tight, and create asymmetry in the breast. However, it isn’t medically harmful.
It can be corrected by surgery where your plastic surgeon will remove the implant and some, or all of the scar tissue, and put in a new implant.
There are many variables that contribute to capsular contracture though the exact cause is a bit of a mystery. But some important factors to consider are:
- Under-the-muscle (submuscular) breast implant placement for smooth implants has a significantly lower risk of capsular contracture than smooth implants over-the-muscle placement (subglandular).
- Crease incisions are 2-2.5 times less likely to develop capsular contracture.
- Using tegaderms, filling the implant with a Keller filler, and betadine during the procedure all lower the risk of developing capsular contracture early on.
Knowing the risks and benefits of breast implants before your consultation is important and you can learn more about the ins and outs of breast augmentation in the Bustmob Academy app.
Will my round implants always look the same?
The truth is your smooth, round implants will drop and fluff (as it’s endearingly called), which is actually a good thing.
The full recovery for breast implants is 9-12 months. However, women will start to see bruising and swelling subside around the 6-week mark and their breasts will begin to drop and fluff.
The drop and fluff process occurs with smooth implants because the implants move up on the chest when constricted by the muscle.
But when the muscle relaxes and heals, the round implant moves and drops into the lower portion of the breast.
Early in their recovery, some women experience what is called “frankenboob,” where their breasts are high and tight and a bit square.
Don’t panic. This is totally normal and will not be your final result.
Taking progress pictures weekly can help you see the positive changes and healing in your body while you patiently wait for those final results.

Teardrops on my guitar…I mean chest.
T. Swift aside, let’s bring our attention to the anatomical, or teardrop, implant.
Teardrop implants are shaped much like the natural breast with a gentle slope that starts thin and gradually fills out at the bottom.
Though it may seem like an anatomical implant will give you a more natural look, your results really depend on your anatomy and the amount of breast tissue you already have.
This implant type tends to be more common in women undergoing breast reconstructive surgery.
Having those goal photos ready for your consultation will be a useful tool in getting your aesthetic goals across to your surgeon.
From there, they will be able to make recommendations to get you to your goals based on your body.
Because of their shape, teardrop implants are textured, acting like a velcro in the body so they stay put once placed.
They won’t drop, fluff, and move around like their smooth, round counterparts.
Because anatomical implants are textured, they are best suited for over-the-muscle or subglandular implant placement.
The textured surface allows the capsule to adhere to the implant keeping it in place and lowering the risk of capsular contracture.
Will anatomical breast implants drop and fluff?
Regardless of your implant shape, you will experience swelling in the first weeks of recovery which can give the illusion of a drop and fluff of your teardrop implants. However, because anatomical implants are textured, which makes the implant stick to the body, they do not actually move or drop.
As the swelling goes down, your breasts may appear smaller and may give the illusion of dropping and fluffing, but really it is simply your body healing and getting back to normal.
So, how do you choose?
As we mentioned, the implant shape that is best for you is a conversation between you and your plastic surgeon.
Each implant shape has its pros and cons and your surgeon will help guide you based on your exam, surgical plan, and aesthetic goals.
Being informed while keeping an open mind is the best approach to ensuring your results beautifully match your goals.
Have some goal photos to help guide your surgical plan.
Seeing the different shapes on frames that are similar to yours can help you envision your results and decide what implant shape is best for you.
The Bustmob GoalFinder is home to thousands of plastic surgery after photos that you can search and filter by your height, weight, and types of implants like saline or silicone gel.
Save your favorites to a personalized collection so you are organized and ready for your consultation.
Found this helpful, but want more?
With hundreds of videos just like the one above, the free Bustmob Academy app is the perfect place to learn all things plastic surgery.
From commonly told myths and FAQs, to recovery time and costs, Jenny Eden, founder of Bustmob, and Gretta Nance, lead educator at Amelia Aesthetics, break down your plastic surgery research into bite-size, binge-able pieces.
The free Bustmob Academy app is the perfect place to learn everything about the procedure you're considering.