What is breast implant profile?
Breast implant profile is the width and height of the implant, also known as the projection of the implant.
There are six types of implant profiles that range in base width and height, which affect how the implant projects from the chest.
We hear often in the online Bustmob Community about high-profile breast implants and though they may sound like something you’d want, breast implant profile is highly dependent on your goals and more importantly your anatomy.
Working closely with your plastic surgeon and using your goal photos and anatomy as a guide will help you to know what implant profile is going to work best on your frame.
They will make profile suggestions to keep the natural breast-to-chest ratio proportionate to your goals.

Check the profile. Now that's my type.
As you now know, there are six types of breast implant profiles that vary in height, width, and projection.
Starting with the widest base diameter and working your way to the narrowest base are:
- Low Profile (widest base)
- Low Plus
- Moderate Profile
- Moderate Plus Profile/ Mod-Plus Profile
- High Profile
- Ultra-High Profile (narrowest base)
Though one profile may sound more attractive to you than another, it’s really important to keep in mind your anatomy and the width of your rib cage and chest wall.
Choosing the wrong profile could throw off your proportions leaving you less than thrilled with your final results. It's less important that they are high profile breast implants or low-profile breast implants, what's important is that they fit your anatomy and goals.
How do I choose?
There are some areas for breast augmentation that are better left for your board-certified plastic surgeon to decide...and profile is one of them.
When it comes to choosing the right breast implant profile, it’s really important to feel comfortable leaning into your plastic surgeon’s expertise.
You wouldn't tell the chef at your favorite restaurant what ingredients to use–you trust that their experience gives them the tools to whip up something delicious.
Your cosmetic surgery consultation is similar. You give the orders, aka your aesthetic goals, and your surgeon is there to make it happen as best as they can.
Your plastic surgeon will suggest an implant profile based on your conversation together about your goals and your physical exam.
It's important to know what you want and be informed, but stay flexible.
Don't be afraid to ask questions and be honest about any concerns you have. They're there to help make the process as smooth, clear, and comfortable as possible for you.
What is a consultation like anyway?
You’ve probably been to a doctor’s appointment or a dentist's office, but for many women, their breast augmentation consultation is the first time stepping into a plastic surgeon’s office.
Like anything new, your consultation is exciting and can also feel a little intimidating if you don’t know what to expect.
At your consultation, you’ll have the opportunity to meet your plastic surgeon, create a surgical plan based on your goals, and discuss any specific risks and benefits for you and your procedure.
Amelia Aesthetics offers 3D imaging where you will have the opportunity to “try on” different implant sizes.
Your patient care coordinator will walk you through different angles, and implant sizes, all mocked up on a 3D image of your body. Technology is pretty cool, right?
Your plastic surgeon will also do a physical exam and take some measurements. Based on the exam, they make recommendations on implant size to meet your goals, implant placement, discuss your saline versus silicone options, and of course, select your implant profile.
Your consultation is intended to be collaborative with you in the driver’s seat.
Doing your research ahead of time (congratulations, it seems you’re in the research realm now!) will empower you to be informed about terms you’ll likely hear and confidently stay flexible on areas where your surgeon’s guidance is needed.
Anatomy + width + height = breast implant profile.
Your rib cage and the width of your chest wall, aka your anatomy, are the driving factors when it comes to breast implant profile.
Picture this, someone with a chest on the wider side with an ultra-high breast implant profile. Not only is this going to have quite the torpedo look, the breasts, because they are so narrow, are going to leave a lot of the chest exposed around the implant.
On the flip side, choosing a moderate profile implants on a narrower chest may cause the sides of the breasts to rub the arms.
Everyone’s goals are different and there is no shame in whatever works best for you, which is why having those goal photos for your consultation is so important.
Where can you find goal photos you may be wondering.
Meet the Bustmob GoalFinder. Our unique plastic surgery after photo database has thousands of beautiful results from real women.
You can search by implant type, breast implant size, profile, and patient height and weight to see what different implant profiles could look like on a frame that is similar to yours.
Save your favorites in a personalized collection to keep your wish pictures organized and easily accessible for your consultation.
Found this helpful, but want more?
Good news! This is just one of hundreds of fun, factual videos on the Bustmob Academy app to make your plastic surgery research easy.
From commonly told myths and FAQs, to recovery time and costs, Jenny Eden, founder of Bustmob, and Gretta Nance, lead educator at Amelia Aesthetics, break down your plastic surgery research into bite-size, bingeable pieces.
Pair the Bustmob Academy app with Jenny’s 15-Day Texting Series and you are well on your way to being empowered and educated before you even set foot in your consultation.
The free Bustmob Academy app is the perfect place to learn everything about the procedure you're considering.